While it’s a must-have in the kitchen and while cooking for many, aluminum foil may not be the most economical or environmentally friendly option when it comes to outdoor grilling, and it won’t work for your grill either.
        An easy fix to keep small veggies from slipping through the grill, food doesn’t stick to the grill and is easy to clean (just crumple it up and throw it away), aluminum foil has some big drawbacks and you need to think before you light up your grill. While yes, things like grill baskets, cast iron pans, or metal utensils with lids will cost you more, you’ll save money in the long run by not buying these items again and again. Not only is it a smarter way to spend your money, it’s also more environmentally friendly to choose one of these reusable options over disposable foil, so you’re helping the environment and your bank account.
        So, you know that aluminum foil is more expensive than reusable options and less environmentally friendly in the long run, but you’re considering switching to it to avoid time-consuming cleaning. While you may be advised to clean your grill by covering it with foil and exposing it to high heat, Weber explains that in addition to being wasteful, this method can block ventilation and damage the grill’s internal components, meaning you could end up spending more than just refilling foil rolls.
        But cooking directly on the grill or using a grill basket doesn’t necessarily mean spending hours cleaning and removing burnt drips and stains. An easy solution is to cook it with cooking spray or vegetable oil. For gas grills, turn off gas supply or remove grates before spraying to avoid fire.
       Breaking long-standing cooking habits can be difficult, but when using aluminum foil, consider more economical and environmentally friendly options before you fire up the grill!


Post time: Jun-06-2023